Innovative technology ․ Healthy and natural bread made with Armenian “Hatsatan” yeast

The guest of the Yerevan-Los Angeles live TV bridge on June 21 was Alexander Selimyan, a biotechnologist, Honored Inventor of the USSR, member of the Armenian Academy of Technology, Candidate of Technical Sciences.
“Innovative Technology քննարկ” was discussed within the framework of “Noyan Tapan” program broadcast online on AABC American TV և “Healthy” natural bread made with Armenian “Hatsatan” yeast ”
In fact, for the first time in Armenia, author’s breads were produced, in which the bakery helps the yeast to perform its function in a normal way, not to decompose during baking and not to pass into the prepared bread. Bread also allows you to reduce the amount of yeast used. “Selimyan bread” differs from ordinary bread with its pleasant taste and smell, which is obtained not by chemical improvers, but due to the malt used in the dough. Without the use of any of these “improvers”, the bio-bread has a pleasant color. Details in the video.