Solar Thermal Energy Accumulators

Business proposal: Development processes of synthesis multy multi-glassy, composites and amorphous compounds with desired thermo physical characteristics, with aim to subsequent implementation of their special packaging consisting unified design high heat capacity of thermal energetic element- solar thermal energy accumulators (STEA)
Making solar energy helio power plants, systems of new generation on the basis of high-performance, functionally designed STEA working within the temperature range 100-300 C °, 300-500C ° (or more), within the capacity 1-10kvt, 10-100kvt (and more). Business proposal submitted by the following related projects.
Project 1- “ELOIT-1SE” – “Solar heat treatable installation” – Solar systems (mobile or stationary, household and technological purposes), on the basis of small, functionally differentiated and time-inertial STEA as alternative sources of heat energy can be used in conjunction with other heat sources (gas , electricity, etc.) or separately anywhere where there is no possibility to use other types of energy sources, or they are expensive.
Market value: Making fast food, reprocessing of agricultural products, production of steam and hot water, participation in Special and processes of heat (or thermal support) – are the priority directions for their use. The brand name “Sunny” will give an opportunity to build and develop a new market or expand existing energy supply. Solar systems will be in demand in their own homes, farms, recreational areas (mountains, sea coasts, etc.) in the production process lines as well as in emergency zones.
For consumers, solar power plants will be addressed the following important requirements:
- Approval of the power-saving mode – 25-70%
- Satisfaction minimally necessary energy supply to – 90%
- Expansion of the consumer market, to – 20%
The latter is due to the expansion of business activities, the provision of services on the basis of profitable formed environmentally clean “solar” technology. For the proposed new generation of solar plant in the world market potential is estimated at several dozen billion dollars. Today, all countries are vital issues related to the environment, green technology, energy efficiency, energy supply and security. In the southern hemisphere of the planet 70% of the population lives in rural areas. The population with the number 1, 3 bln. Has no access to electricity and gas. Only in Armenia, where there are 350,000 farms developed resort areas, tourism, etc. Expected demand for solar power plants will be at least 200 thousand units (20% of the estimated need). For this project you need to invest capital investment of $ 10 million dollars. By the end of the four flying start production activities real annual income can be adjusted to 80-100mln dollars. Production of solar power plants and their sales organization necessary to carry out all the consumer segments simultaneously.
Competition: Direct analogues proposed solar plants – a variety of parabolic solar concentrators are out of competition. The new generation of solar plants a negative attitude towards them overcome consumer thoroughly. No direct problem occupy in the market place has applied power plants operating on known sources of energy (electricity, gas, etc.). Solar systems will be implemented in existing and emerging markets continuously maintaining the principle of joint (or alternative) use, contributing to the expansion of the consumer market.
Project 2- “ELOIT- 2 SE” – “Storage of solar thermal energy” – Storage of solar heat underground or above modular design, based on solar power plants and STEA with capacity of up to 100 kW (and more) – as an alternative source of thermal energy can be used in heating systems of buildings, greenhouses, industrial buildings, etc.
Market value: Important characteristics of the application of the proposed helio system- accumulation of solar thermal energy, storage and use of heat for other purposes. A special performance will be different storage in which the weight of summer time is a continuous process of accumulation of solar thermal energy in order to further the use of heat during the cold season. As a result, it becomes possible to save other types of energy (electricity, gas, etc.) at 25-70%, reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. In the season of dark and accumulating solar thermal energy on the area of 0.25 km. sq., will have the opportunity to storage thermal energy with a total capacity of 30 MW, or in winter, you can save 500 kW hour electricity from 1m. Sq. The system approach of the project will provide a huge demand in the market sector. Only in Armenia has a greenhouse area of 130 hectares, and the same (maybe several times) will be built.
Project 3- “ELOIT- 3 SE” – “A new type of solar power” – solar power plant based on the modular design of solar installations and STEA operated using hot air streams. The goal is to bring the efficiency of the solar station to the value of 30%.
Business Model: In the proposed projects we are at the stage of design and technological performance of STEA and solar power plants. There completion of the technical and technological solutions for specific functional units. The work now is on the synthesis of various compounds for the STEA. The main directions of development and collaboration are identified.
Technological features / KNOW-HOW /: On the basis of the functioning of solar power plants and ASTE is the principle of “new functional package”, i.e. thermal energy is focused sunlight is absorbed and accumulated in the ASTE in continuous mode, and flow of thermal energy is produced in the pulsed mode, keeping the principle of “right time”. The proposed solar plants and systems functional compartments focusing- absorption of thermal energy (linear focus rays) and accumulation- storage- use can be separately placed in the space. For the functional units of the absorption of solar thermal energy and STEA synthesized compound with specific thermal characteristics. New technological and constructive solutions, which contain the novelty (as know-how) will remain as a trade secret and are subject to patenting.
Addition: Implementation of the project (by the company Aletig , Armenia) for complex processing of industrial wastes Copper – molybdenum concentrates containing significant amounts of SiO2 and Al2O3 – in scrip to 85%, may contribute to the development of technologies for the production of a variety of materials, complex compounds to be used in the production of solar power plants and STEA. Particular importance will have developments which will be done in the Institute of Electronic Materials LLC “ENI”, Yerevan, for the preparation of compounds with desired thermal characteristics. This receipt – heat insulator, heat transfer and heat accumulating compounds, as well as materials that can be successfully used in heat exchangers functional units to withstand high temperature 1200C °․