Noyan Tapan (Noah's Ark) Foundation

For the Advancement of Science, innovation and perspective development

Member of the Armenian Academy of Technology Mkrtich Andranikovich Melikyan dies

Suddenly, at the age of 68, one of the most talented members of the Armenian Technological Academy Mkrtich Andranikovich Melikyan passed away.

A native of Yerevan Mukuch (as everyone called him) in 1966 graduated from the Russian secondary school. Dzerzhiskiy and entered the Physics Department of Yerevan State University, after graduating from which he was drafted into the Soviet Army. After serving the allotted 2 years, he went to work in the OKB of the plant of automatic systems “Hrazdan”. And in 1980 he was transferred to the Design Bureau of the Granat plant, where he worked until 1997. From 2002 until the end of his life, Mukuch Melikyan worked in the RA President’s Administration. Mkrtich Melikyan is one of the leading participants in many basic developments, such as: – numerical software devices for automatic machine tools; – optical laser meters for small displacements “Olympus”; – remote infrared radiometers for thermal control of boards during their operation. He was an active participant in the thematic work on space research “Orion”, the deputy head of the “Eye” theme and the head of the “Star” theme. Among his articles and publications, I would especially like to note the works of recent years: “Methodology for restoring the functional capabilities of the human body when using electromagnetically treated ionized waters with a certain microelement composition and the article” Silicon organic human model and recommendations for restoring health “, written together with Vanush Davtyan. And you can imagine how many more useful ideas and developments Mkrtich Melikyan could have realized if death had not snatched him out of our ranks. The bright memory of Mkrtich Melikyan, a real scientist, a worthy father of a family and a good friend, obliges us to bring all his ideas to completion.

Armenian technological academy

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