The Armenian authorities usually avoid the implementation of the heliofication program, but they will have to give an explanation for that

The Inventor Club of the Science Support Foundation organized its third meeting today in the press hall of Noyan Tapan News Agency. The speaker was Vahan Hamazaspyan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, author of the Heliofication Program of Armenia. He referred to their new successes and the existing obstacles in the implementation of the mentioned program.
According to Mr. Hamazaspyan, today more than before, the Republic of Armenia needs to develop industry, economy, based on new inventions, new ideas, we must rely on our own thoughts, our own ideas, our science. “The idea of heliofication came to me when the Soviet Union collapsed, there was a conversion in our military industry,” said Vahan Hamazaspyan. “Our markets were closed, our 150 large factories were all equipped with modern equipment and high technology.” They were institutions, they closed at once, and we had to think about what new civil products could be used to operate those factories. On the 30th of the month, the Prime Minister organized a discussion on “How to develop the economy of Armenia”, and I am going to make a speech there. From the beginning, I see a big mistake in the Prime Minister’s question, that he invited mainly financiers and economists to discuss the issues. Today there is no problem of economists and financiers, today the problem is set only on the development of our science, scientific branches. Only this can save our economy from destruction. Heliofication implies the massive use of solar technology in the economy, in the private sector. We have 350,000 households in the villages, and if 350,000 households use the individual solar devices we have developed, each with a capacity of 20 kilowatt hours, it will, as a result, take into account the energy of five Armenian nuclear power plants, taking into account the Armenian solar. We can already imagine what can be done with that energy. ” According to the scientist, the use of blood technology offers great opportunities, including the disinfection of chicken pox; , and in the world – huge), dehydration of fruits, other agricultural products, prevention of drying, spoilage, getting quality brandy from wine – getting about 20% cheaper than usual brandy alcohol, իհարկե, of course, production of electricity, thermal energy, etc. “If we can recycle, say, mulberry, which is spilled and goes away, we can not process it due to lack of energy, as a result of heliofication we can turn it into a wonderful product that can be used to organize business in different parts of the world,” said Vahan Hamazaspyan. However, as the author of the heliofication program in Armenia mentioned, solar technology is not developing in Armenia today. “The foundations of the development of solar technology,” continued the scientist, “were laid by academician Paris Heruni, but he did not manage to complete his” solar “program. It was a great patented proposal, it’s very difficult to go with our heliofication program. It is necessary to organize the mass production of solar devices first, and then to find the spheres of application.… Here we see an opportunity to change even the concept of economic development. If all the developed countries of the world, the countries with science, set a task to develop their scientific, non-energy, non-material spheres, say, light technologies, then in the case of heliofication, we can develop scientific, highly energy-intensive, non-material spheres, hoping for on very cheap energy. “Our authorities usually avoid discussing this issue.” Arthur Hovhannisyan