Armenian specialists are trying to introduce a unique Eco-house project in Armenia

Attempts are being made in Armenia to introduce a unique project by Ecota, which could revolutionize the field of construction technologies and housing.
Norayr Hovakimyan, director of Arsmartsim LLC, the Armenian representative of the Swedish Soltech company, said this during the regular discussion of the “Puppies Club” initiated by the “Noyan Tapan” Foundation, which supports Science, the development of innovative technologies and perspective solutions.
According to him, within the range of 50 thousand dollars it is possible to have an eco-house created using the latest technologies, full thermal insulation and alternative energy, which is more effective both in terms of health and current cost savings.
Ն. According to Hovakimyan, they plan to use battery systems in the creation of eco, which are new in Armenia and have a 25-30 year warranty.
According to Gagik Harutyunyan, director of “Harg” architectural company, co-author of the initiative, the eco-houses will be built of natural materials, in particular, they are trying to replace the reinforced concrete structures, they will use pure wood or chipboard instead of roofing.
“We will use solar, wind and water energies – natural materials, which will allow the landlords to get rid of the costs of electricity and hot water,” said G. Harutyunyan, adding that 80% of the materials used in the rooms of ordinary houses are harmful to human health.
According to Gagik Kirakosyan, director of Onyx GC, eco-based solutions are mainly based on composite materials, which very well replace wood and metal.
“We have been producing fiberglass in Armenia for two years already, which as a result of tests has shown that it is twice as strong as steel,” said G. Kirakosyan said.
According to the latter, at present the only problem is that all the raw materials are imported from abroad, which is not serious in terms of organizing production.
Գ. Kirakosyan hopes that in a very short time the production of composite materials will be based on local raw materials.
According to experts, the cost of eco will not exceed $ 300 per square meter, which is considered a “fantastic” number for a private house today.
Eliza Zakharyan, “Noyan Tapan”